The Guarded Heart
Through the Lilac Forest,
in a land far away,
Beyond waterfalls
where elves and fairies play,
Making music, frolicking
beneath flowers all day,
a pair of angry dragons slept,
Guarding a heart once flesh
but now made nearly stone.
Fairies and elves are no match
for a dragon, not to mention two!
To rescue a hardening, broken heart
will take more than glue.
It will take patience and Love
you never imagined was in you.
You must prepare to face the dark forest,
to make it to Rippling Rock outpost.
Once there, you’ll find rest
by its quiet waters.
The beauty you’ll see will
sometimes feel like it's filled
your own heart to the brim, but remember,
the broken heart tonheal is nearly empty
and cannot see, even from inside,
the joy you’re taking in.
Shhh, quiet. Listen.
Is that the Dragon called, Anxiety,
that raised its dragon head?
Or was it the dragon called
Depression rumbling,
Keeping the guarded hearts’
fears well fed?
So prepare yourself –
With your staff and shield,
With your pack and prayer,
With your stories and songs,
With your visions and dreams –
And go forward.
Listen to the sky above you,
To the earth beneath your feet,
To the children and elders among
you, to the the chamber chorus
of your own tender heart.
Know that grace will lead
if you will follow,
and mercy will follow
if you let Love lead,
and when all else fails
listen and be still to receive.
When finally you’ve passed
behind Fairy Falls, and climbed
the glistening stair,
to meet the tallest (and deepest)
tree the legends call -
the Compassionate, Ancient One,
whose great roots nurture all -
when you stand before
Will of the Trees,
Take refuge among her great roots,
Under the banner of leaf love learn,
let go of what makes hearts stone.
Shelter here, unburden your
questions, doubts and fears
But do so reverently, with
deep patience bear His speaking
so slowly, for it takes great effort
to reveal the divine in language
so lowly, these many ages of
learning from water, soil, and sun,
riverside planted, trusting never toiling.
Now, you might survive the road
still ahead even without
The Ancient One’s blessing,
but it’s ill-advised, for without it,
most will sit in the garden,
at the stone resting, but never make
it all the way to the heart still stressing.
So, rather than just make a home
by the moved stone, and live
just beyond the dragon’s reach,
Take the time to set up camp
in the cove of Crystal Beach,
And here, in your heart,
the Trees’ wisdom She’ll seed.
Listen deeply, this is your food.
Like your meals, these lessons
in Love will sustain you,
like living water, bubbling up
renewing the old, they'll quench
the thirst of your soul;
skip them at your own peril,
hoard them and miss the point.
Dine well and drink deep,
linger but don't stay, for remember,
at the journey’s close,
As the sun sets each day,
the dragons still wait
but the hardening broken heart can’t.
We must go now! And Every day!
There are dragons still to slay.
-PreetamDas Kirtana
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