A Re-Parenting Moment: LIVE
Reporting live from my thoughts here
because there could be meaningful
parallels or something useful to you
and because there is a direct link
between the way we speak to ourselves
predominantly and the way we speak
to others when under distress.
Fairy Falls, the old hollow timber
solar fountain, had been bleached
almost white by the desert sun
over the seasons, so I painted it.
It looks so much better.
The fountain, again, looking something
closer to natural,
the dark brown, rich against
spring's birth-pang green.
I was pretty satisfied.
This mornings' post-coffee walk out
to the little pond and fountain revealed
that I also unintentionally sprayed
over the light in the top of the fountain.
Not amused. At all.
But "unamused" often sounds like
the often repeated
"why can't we have nice things" and
"why can't you take care of things?"
to things worse and immediate:
"stupid", "worthless, f*ck up",
or in my own case,
their evangelical counterparts:
"rebellious" and "disobedient"
but, to be clear, violent thoughts
and words preceed physical violence,
the devaluing comes first,
whether it's personally (internally)
or socially (externally).
So I painted the light.
Naturally, I know the thought
trajectory that follows
like the back of my own hand,
well, well enough,
and that in itself can help
prepare me, so in the microtime
between the trigger and
punishments' arrival,
there's a micro-pause
and a pause,
even a micro one,
can be enough space
for movement so I thought,
rather than being
"a careless f*ck up",
I was just excited, enthusiastic.
And, as you know,
a single response won't deny
this groove, so I hear,
"Sure, you're always
'excited', 'enthusiastic'."
Ah, well, I think to myself,
that was such an obvious lie
that it gives away the accuser's identity
and even if it were true, it's not news,
I should be used to it by now
and not be so judgemental,
so harsh,
so punishing,
so failing to not take
things personally,
so willing to forget that
excitement isn't a willful afront
and blinders given by the focus
enthusiasm brings isn't personal,
even when it's repeated,
even when it only changes a little,
and that slowly
or it doesn't change at all
or when it's who we are.
I painted the light,
and countless other things
not on purpose,
not worth the
demolition of my worth.
"So I replace the light or not,"
is as simple as I hope to grow
into a moment like that being
when it happens again
in a few minutes.
I wonder what's worth
the demolition of my worth
or yours
or theirs?
Do you remember the old hymn,
"I Must Tell Jesus"?
A momentary reframe,
my words to that tune,
if you know it:
"I will try softer,
I will try softer,
Love will lead my
hands and my voice,
I will try softer,
I will try softer,
There's no punishment
because there is no crime.
I will try softer,
I will try softer,
Through Love
I'm refurbished,
By Love, I'm refined.
I will try softer,
I will try
I'm worth
the effort,
I'm worth
the time."
I'm grateful for being able to reclaim and temporarily
repurpose beautiful old songs still dear to me and to
laugh in the middle of the process, a sign of growth
I'm sure. I just made myself laugh and for those of
you keeping score, it beats the mess out of making
myself curse or feel disappointment.
I noticed how much time had quickly passed
and I thought,
but out of old parenting habit,
it sounded like,
or its evangelical counterpart:
an unspared rod,
and my immediate thought was,
and I laughed outoud
and changed my shoes
to mow the lawn,
with a quickness but without shame,
a tiny bit leaner, lighter,
letting lies rest dead,
as spring keeps rushing ahead,
blooming, birthing, germinating, too,
revealing a river, a tree, and a wood,
running right through me
and into you, life-giving
water, for roots and for leaves,
for shelter and sacrifice,
for silence and praise,
for pranam and devotion
for voice and for hands
trying softer, being safer,
and kinder, with our hearts,
thoughts and minds.
*below is a link to a beautiful version of the hymn, "I Must Tell Jesus" by Kaleb Brasee on YouTube., who owns all rights.
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